Verb tenses… hmmm… the least exciting of all grammar topics. At least to me!!
So let’s try and make it a bit more interesting by exploring ways to use it in context.
In real life English native speakers do not consider what tense they need to use, they just know!
To help you remember we will explore some when and how to use them… Ready?
Confusingly the PRESENT SIMPLE can be used both to talk about actions or events in the PRESENT or in the FUTURE, [and in some of the conditional forms but that is for another lesson… 😏] and yes, I know! It is crazy…
How to use the PRESENT SIMPLE to talk about the PRESENT…
To talk about FACTS – a FACT is something that is generally or always true, and which is not an opinion.
The sun rises from the East.
Dogs don’t have six legs.
Do children like chocolate?
To talk about HABITS – a HABIT is something that is done regularly. Remember you need to also talk about how frequently.
She runs every morning.
I don’t visit the park often.
Does she ever leave without her bag?
To talk about things that we believe are permanent – things you like/dislike, where you come from, etc…
I am British. I am also very polite.
I don’t like broccoli.
Does he work for the judge?
To talk about things happening NOW – this means short actions that finish almost immediately, like in sports commentary.
He takes the ball, runs, and scores!
They aren’t in the car right now.
Do you see me outside your house?
How to use the PRESENT SIMPLE to talk about the FUTURE…
To talk fixed plans – generally, these are plans set by an organisation rather than yourself or individuals.
The train arrives at five o’clock tomorrow.
The conference doesn’t finish until eight in the evening.
When does the concert start?
After words like ‘when’ ‘until’ ‘after’- they usually are part of a sentence with two parts.
I will clean the house when the children leave.
He won’t go to bed until the noise stops.
They are going to the shops after the movie finishes.
The PRESENT SIMPLE is basically the base form of the verb [V1], or the infinitive without the ‘to’.
Affirmative sentences
For sentences that are ‘positive‘ or affirmative you can just use the base form, except for the 3rd person [he, she, it] where you add an ‘-s’ at the end.

Negative sentences
For sentences that are ‘negative‘ you also use the base form, but you have to add the auxiliary verb ‘to do’ [does for he, she, it] and ‘not’ before it.
‘do not’ = ‘don’t’
‘does not’ = ‘doesn’t’

For questions you also use the base form and the auxiliary verb ‘to do’ [does for he, she, it], but you simply swap the person/entity responsible for the action [the subject].

To make a negative question simply add a ‘not’ to ‘do’.
Doesn’t she work on Sundays?