This page will contain information relevant to each fo the sessions. You might want to bookmark it!!

Session #1

CONTENT - Greetings and getting to know people.

The video has a useful breakdown of how the sessions are going to work and the UNBREAKABLE RULES 😏

You also have a handy resource going forward. It is just a verb crib sheet with the conjugations of simple present, past and future tenses of regular verbs and some of the most common irregular verbs. You might have something similar if you have ever attended Spanish lessons but if you don’t, now you do!!

  • The first version can be printed double sided and cut along the horizontal lines to make a pocket book.
  • The second version is an A4 single side. You can save it on a tablet/phone so you can consult it if needed, or print it, whatever you prefer.

As for our first session it is going to be about introducing yourself and getting to know others. Questions to ask, common expressions, the dreaded Formal vs Informal choice, etc… 

And there is a bit of homework before we meet! What does this mean? 


If for some reason you can’t get it to load you can find it in YouTube here.



Session #2

CONTENT - Going shopping

Our next session is about asking for things in shops. 😨

Here you have a handy summary of the useful vocabulary and some expressions/phrases that will help you communicate.

It would be good for you to at least have a look at them and identify those you are not familiar with.
It can be printed double sided  or stored in a tablet or phone.

And there is a bit of optional prep work before we meet! Can you watch the video and answer the questions? It is very brief, I promise. Just to dip your toes.



Session #3

CONTENT - Administrative tasks in Asturias

Our next session is about sorting issues in the official offices like AEAT, Seguridad Social, local council, etc… 😨

Here you have a handy summary of the useful vocabulary and some expressions/phrases that will help you communicate.

It would be good for you to at least have a look at them and identify those you are not familiar with.
It can be printed double sided  or stored in a tablet or phone.

And there is a bit of optional prep work before we meet! Can you watch the video and answer the questions? It is a bit more challenging than the last, but I am sure you’ll manage!! Give it a try.


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