for professionals

Content tailored to your industry, prioritising fluency and confidence-building.
Online English Professional

Sometimes investing in ourselves becomes a priority to reach the next level. Our teachers have professional backgrounds that can help you improve the effectiveness of your professional communication. With our support you can learn English online and tap into a variety of opportunities that are hard to access without it.

The benefits of speaking English in your professional life are extensive, whether you aim to work for someone else, own a business or dream of starting one; better job opportunities, better engagement with international stakeholders,  expanding the markets that you target, networking opportunities, securing successful partnerships world wide, improving your knowledge and qualifications with English based resources, sharing your expertise, etc.

How does it work?

After you contact us we usually have an initial videoconference where we discuss your needs and assess your level of understanding and use of English.

We formulate a content plan and agree on a schedule that can fit into your daily responsibilities. Some students have chosen regular weekly slots, others have purchased a set number of sessions and we have agreed on time slots week by week depending on their working schedule and conflicting commitments. We are flexible in our bookings and can vary the length from one session to the next if needed (30, 45 min or 1 hour).

We use various videoconferencing platforms (Google Meet, Skype, Zoom) for the session along with email and digital resource systems in the cloud or on websites to share documents, exercises, videos, readings, etc. so all your learning materials will always be easily accesible wherever you are.

We can focus on profession specific exam preparation (e.g. Occupational English Test, Aptis, Versant,  , vocabulary and jargon, working in an English-speaking setting, general communication in a work environment, 

What about our expertise?

Our team has particular strengths related to medical English, English for academic purposes and engineering. But we have also had many clients within the corporate world that improved their (and in some cases learnt) English to facilitate their progression and success. We offer profession-specific learning with specialist vocabulary and contextual awareness which is key to accurate and effective communication.

Our bespoke one to one sessions will assist any healthcare professional, academic or student to work and study within an English speaking environment and to share their expertise in an academic, educational or conference setting as a clinician, researcher or lecturer.

We are also developing a dedicated “English for healthcare professionals” program with an online learning platform that will allow you to complete the different units at your own pace. It will include the option to boost your learning with online individual sessions with our teachers. Further details will become available as soon as we complete it!!

SPECIALIST English for Professionals

language and content specific to your industry: Healthcare, Academia, engineering, BUSINESS, etc.

Now & Then

Loose sessions when you need them

€ 50


1 hour of individualised attention

Content tailored to your industry

Book it whenever you need it**

Busy schedule

Weekly SHORTER sessions

€ 87


Assesment & learning plan

Weekly 30 minute sessions*

Individualised attention

Specialist content tailored to your industry

Book regular or flexible time slots**


Weekly in-depth sessions

€ 165


Assesment & learning plan

Weekly 1 hr sessions*

Individualised attention

Specialist content tailored to your industry

Book regular or flexible time slots**

Practice tests if preparing examinations

Action plan

For those with a clear GOAL

€ 650

€ 479

one off payment

26% off

Assessment & learning plan

13 hrs of individualised attention

1 hr, 45 or 30 min sessions

Flexible booking**

Specialist content tailored to your industry

Practice tests if preparing examinations

Going Global

To take your career further

€ 1400

€ 979

one off payment

30% off

Assessment & learning plan

28 hrs individualised attention

1 hr, 45 or 30 min sessions

Flexible booking**

Specialist content tailored to your industry

Practice tests if preparing examinations

The long term plans are useful when you are committed to improving your English and want to maximise your investment.

If you follow our recommendations we can guarantee that your understanding, fluency, confidence and use of English will improve, making your communications with other English speakers more effective and accurarte.

The sky is the limit!

*Please note some months contain 4 instances of a weekday, while others contain 5 so the monthly price reflects an average of 4.3 sessions per month.

**Subject to availability

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