Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

  1. Thomas Douglas Ryland, of legal age and residing at San Martin S/N, Borines Piloña, Asturias, Spain, 33583, acts as a teacher for Ryland English, residing at the same address and with Tax ID Y6134676S.
  2. Ryland English is dedicated to private tuition at home and online and among its offer has classes for the teaching of English. This is private tuition, and therefore any resulting qualification or diploma is not officially recognised.
  3. Ryland English is a private language school. The service includes teaching services at the times and for the purpose specified in the initial agreement. If changes are to be made to these conditions both parties must do so “in writing” (hereinafter letter, MSM or email) fifteen days in advance unless other conditions are specified in writing. If changes are to be made to these conditions both parties must do so “in writing” (hereinafter letter, MSM or email) fifteen days in advance unless other conditions are specified in writing.
  4. In the event that the agreement is made without the simultaneous physical presence of the teacher and the student/representative, through the use of a remote communication technique, the contracting party shall enjoy the right of revocation or withdrawal under the terms set out in clause “9” of the general conditions.
  5. Duration of the services – The services that are the object of the initial agreement shall be provided for the agreed period or indefinitely until either of the parties express in writing, and with fifteen days’ notice, their wish not to continue.
  6. Payment and method of payment.
    1. Fees for classes are payable one calendar month in advance once classes are booked unless a different payment system has been agreed at the time the class booking is made.
    2. Fees for classes are payable one calendar month in advance once classes are booked unless a different payment system has been agreed at the time the class booking is made.
    3. Delay on the part of the student/representative who delays payment of the amounts agreed in the initial agreement by more than seven days will give rise to the accrual of legal interest on money, or the exercise by the teacher of the power to terminate the agreement.
    4. During the development of the classes various expenses may arise over and above the teacher’s fees. These will be discussed in advance and include, for example;
      1. Didactic elements that the student can acquire independently on the teacher’s recommendation, as preferred: textbooks, workbooks, reading books, DVDs, etc. according to his/her level and objectives.
      2. Equipment of the teacher’s own, which forms part of the services that make up the classes and which are given to the student when appropriate.
      3. Displacement to the agreed address or to an address other than the agreed address.
      4. Parking or other costs associated with the parking of the vehicle if it is not possible to find a free and feasible option. d. If the drop off referred to in condition “3”, does not coincide with the end of the booked lessons, the pupil/representative will pay or the teacher will refund the proportional amount corresponding to the lessons given.
  7. Cancellation of classes – In the event that, due to force majeure, the student should be forced to miss the classes covered by the agreement, the teacher;
    1. in the first instance, transfer the payment to another class in accordance with the agreed timetable or attempt to book a class outside the agreed timetable including within the following calendar month, paying the amount to the next batch of classes if notice of cancellation is given with at least 24 hours notice.
    2. reserves the right to reclaim the fees in part or in full if the cancellation occurs within 24 hours prior to the booked class and the transfer of the fees to another class is not possible or there have been more than two cancellations previously.
  8. Content and intellectual property – Any content provided by the teacher is solely for the use of the student during their learning activities. Copying, reproduction or dissemination through any channel, analogue or digital, will not be accepted. The teacher reserves the right to apply the law of intellectual property (Law 2/2019, 1st March) (copyright) by demanding the withdrawal, retraction and/or economic compensation that he/she considers appropriate in each case.
  9. Complaints – the teacher has at the disposal of the student/representative Complaint Forms in accordance with the official model, where appropriate. For any dispute arising from the interpretation or fulfilment of this contract, the teacher expressly submits to the consumer arbitration system, through the Consumer Arbitration Board corresponding to the Principality of Asturias.
  10. Right of revocation and withdrawal – The contracting party has a period of seven calendar days, counted from the moment the first class is agreed (either in physical presence or using a remote method), to withdraw from the contract, with the right to a full refund of the amounts paid, without completing any formality, and without any penalty.
  11. Data Protection – Thomas Douglas Ryland is the Data Controller of the personal data of the Data Subject and informs you that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), Organic Law (ES) 15/1999 of 13 December (LOPD) and Royal Decree (ES) 1720/2007 of 21 December (RDLOPD), for which you are provided with the following processing information:
    1. Purpose of processing: Invoicing and carrying out the agreed activities, communicating changes and services that may be of interest.
    2. Data retention criteria: Data will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction of the data.
    3. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to any recipient, except by legal obligation.
    4. Rights of the Data Subject:
      1. Right to withdraw consent at any time.
      2. Right of access, rectification and deletion of their data and to limit or oppose its processing.
      3. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (agpd.es) if he/she considers that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.
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