HOW TO AVOID MISTAKES IN ENGLISH – afraid ‘from’ or ‘of’? 🤔

HOW TO AVOID MISTAKES IN ENGLISH – afraid ‘from’ or ‘of’? 🤔
afraid from or afraid of?

In English mistakes are often made by using the wrong preposition after certain words. This is one example…

Afraid to +V1 is mainly for things done intentionally, something we choose to do.

A lot of people are afraid to go out at night.

Afraid of +V’ing’ is mainly for things done unintentionally, things that happen by chance.

She was afraid of falling on the icy road.

However, it is the speaker’s view of the action as intentional/unintentional that matters. so they can both be used depending on interpretation.

She is afraid of taking the path that goes through that neighbourhood. [She is very worried that she might accidentally choose the dangerous route.]

She is afraid to take the path that goes through that neighbourhood. [She doesn’t want to venture that way]

Now what you were looking for….

The correct answer was… B

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